The organizer's report

Overwhelmed and need some direction??

Dear Overwhelmed Reader,

Organize is defined as ‘arranging into a structured whole order’. The benefits of organization, however, are too numerous and complex to be summed up by a simple

definition. It may be a once unruly closet now tamed and color coded, or an entire room of sentimental items that seemed impossible to handle alone now donated, displayed, stored or removed. No matter the project, organization can alleviate stress and emotional burden, reclaim space and functionality, and even improve and streamline day to day life.

The ability to organize, however, is a challenge for some people. First of all, it may be a problem of time. We live in a face paced world with demands springing up left and right. Finding the time can prove difficult. Secondly, it may be a problem of sheer quantity. Sometimes we receive gifts from well-meaning friends and family –which we gladly accept –knowing full well that we already have mountains of possessions at home. Combining both problems of time and quantity, who has the time to maintain our basic items let alone go through the backlog?

Thirdly, organization itself may be a problem. Lack of efficient filing and time management systems, no clue what items to keep and what to discard, a lack of creativity in the realm of utilizing spaces well, no accountability partner to help with maintenance, all of these problems can be overcome.

Not everyone is inclined in the area of organization, however, it is something you can learn. Organize Your Life and your professional organizer can provide organizational tools, evaluate problem areas and teach organizational skills, restructure spaces and teach you about maintenance, etc.

OYL would gladly meet in person, or virtually, to assess the situation and create a game-plan. Feel free to reach out at! #OrganizeYourLife #SherriPapich

Sherri Papich CPO-CD, CEO Organize Your Life LLC

(716) 560-5990

You Can Organize Your Life, We Can Help!